Capezio Cambre Broad #4 shank Wide Pointe Shoe
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AccediBest Fit: Medium to wide forefoot with toes of even length. Begin half size up from street shoe size.
The innovative features include:
* Broad toe - #4 shank (3/4 shank length)
* Rayon satin upper, leather sole
* Lower crown, deep vamp
* Full wing box for lateral support
* Sculpted arch with greater heel curve
* Shorter outsole length. Outsole is scored to enhance traction and thin in design to allow you to stand close to the floor
* Plush rose colour anti slip sock lining
* Bias side seam and stitched platform that eliminates pleats
* Elasticised binding with elastic drawstring
* Ribbons not included
* Material: Satin
* Sole: Leather
* Lining: Cotton